Upshur County Tax Building
215 North Titus Street
Gilmer, TX 75644
Gilmer Lobby Hours:
8:00am - 4:30pm
Monday - Friday
Gilmer Drive Thru Hours:
7:30am-5:30pm Monday - Friday
Phone: 903-843-3085 (Collections)
Fax: 903-843-3083
Title Transactions will not be accepted later than 15 minutes before closing, and only with properly completed paperwork.
With exception of Disabled Person license plates, Special Plate transactions cannot be processed at the drive-thru window.
Upshur County Tax Office may close early on the day preceding any County holiday. Please call ahead for confirmation.
“Credit/Debit cards are not accepted for title transfers or boat and motor transactions. Card payments are accepted online for payment of Property Taxes and Vehicle Registration.”